Just transferred! The Mill at Montague

This lost 1991 documentary just became available. It is a video history of what is known today as the “Book Mill”. This half hour restoration contains first hand interviews from folks who knew and worked at this location. The VHS quality is rather good (considering) and is a time capsule which could not be made in the same way today.

New Video Documentary! Watch NOW!
Our “crash course” history of the Turners Falls Canal is now available for viewing. This 20 minute documentary uses vintage media and music to introduce the story of the birth of a new industrial community.
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The Flood of 1927
It all began on November 2nd with a steady rain that contributed to an early snow-melt. That combination of natural occurrences would create a freshet that would lead to a 25-foot raise in water level. November 6 the floodwaters crested and the clean-up begins. A Gallery of 33 Images
The Flood of 1936 – Part 1 32 images The Flood of 1936 – Part 2 37 images
The 1936 Flood (March 17 to 23) wreaked havoc in New England and Franklin County, MA.
The Hurricane of 1938 – 26 images
The September 21, 1938 Hurricane “stormed” its way up the east coast of the United States. See what it did in Franklin County.
The Flood Event of 1984 – 35 images
OOPS! Nature makes a surprise on May/early June 1984
Franklin County Fair – circa 1922
The goings-on relative to the Franklin County Agricultural Society’s annual Fair that’s held at their fairgrounds at Wisdom Way. 28 images
County Fair Coaching Parade 1897
A Gallery of 35 Images – Participants at the Franklin County Fairgrounds prepare their entries prior to parading them through the Main streets of Greenfield, MA
Greenfield Illustrated – 1881
A Gallery of 28 Images – Zoom into these intimate photos of Greenfield as it appeared in 1881
Mill Street Bridge Rebuild 1983 – Part 1 33 images
Mill Street Bridge Rebuild 1983 – Part 2 33 images
The Mill Street “cement” bridge over Green River was begun on July 16, 1910. It replaced the covered bridge that was erected in 1853 and burned, May 7, 1910. The concrete bridge is replaced in 1983-84 with the span we cross in 2022.
Greenfield Recorder Building 1967 – Part 1 36 images
Greenfield Recorder Building 1967 – Part 2 36 images
In 1967 the local newspaper–Greenfield Recorder–is growing and in need of modern office space and facility to accommodate its new Goss printing press.
Swimming and Recreation 1937; 40s & 50s
A Gallery of 37 Images – Locally known as the “Greenfield Swimming Pool”, this facility provides picnic grounds, volleyball, and kids activity areas.
Turners Falls aerials 1974-1981 – 27 images
Turners Falls is built on three terraces.
Bicentenial Parade 1954 Part 1 – 32 images Part 2 – 33 images
The Town of Montague, MA commemorated its 200th Bicentennial Anniversary during the week of June 6-13, 1954.
Business District at Turners Falls
A Gallery of 26 postcard items
Canalside Rail Trail – Unity Park to the “Patch”
(from 2007)The Canalside Rail Trail (aka Bike Path) is a 3.8-mile paved trail Part 1 – 29 Images
Canalside Rail Trail – to Montague City and Back
(from 2007)The Canalside Rail Trail – The”Patch” to Montague City and Back – Part 2 – 33 Images
Churches at Turners Falls – 8 images
Migratory Way-Canal Walk – 25 images
Migratory Way flanks the west edge–west end section–of the Power Canal at Turners Falls, MA.
Couture Brothers in Turners Falls 30 images
A historic gallery from one of Montague’s legacy family businesses.
Douglas “Dug” Smith 1912 Red Sox – 12 images
Douglass “Dug” Smith from Millers Falls, MA was a baseball pitcher of extraordinary talent.
General Pierce Bridge – Early – 25 images
Genral Pierce Bridge Erection & Before
Lake Pleasant Time Machine Part 1 – 29 images
Lake Pleasant Time Machine Part 2 – 28 images
A collection covering over a century at Lake Pleasant
Lake Pleasant; Assorted – 24 images
Lake Pleasant enjoyed its developmental period in the late 19th century as a resort community.
The Bluffs at Lake Pleasant – 4 images
Millers Falls Postcards – 20 images
Early Postcard Views
Millers Falls Tool Co. Canal – 30 images
Factory Canal Gate Re-Build
Millers Falls, MA 1977-1987 – 40 images
Second in size among Montague’s five villages. First overture for Millers Falls’ establishment was made in 1685.
Montague Center 1978-1985 – 24 images
Including Martin Machine Co. (the ‘Bookmill’ site) & Montague Old Home Days
Montague City – Rod Shop – 55 images
Personnel & Production photographs
Montague City Rod Shop Fire 1985 – 34 images
Fire, Aftermath, Recovery & Demise
New Fire Station at Turners Falls 1975 – 17 images
Residential and Schools at Turners Falls – 23 images
Turners Falls postcards – Buildings and Places
Mills and Factories at Turners Falls – 12 images
A Gallery of 12 postcard items
Turners Falls-Downtown 1981 – 39 images
Downtown TURNERS FALLS in Two Seasonal Settings
Home of the Western MA History Collective database.
Located in the North Western third of Massachusetts, on the Connecticut River, one of the five villages in our town became the important industrial hydro-power community, known as Turners Falls.
Our website contains two major parts. You are now viewing our primary pages, which will present many interesting articles, videos and other media related to our area's history. The second section is our research database, the Western MA History Collective.

This database is an ongoing digital repository of photographs and articles, which may not be directly available on this main website. We encourage researchers to explore and take advantage of this resource. We also encourage local area historical societies and private collectors to assist us in adding to this valuable archive!